Monday, January 4, 2010


I can't believe that it is 2010! I can vividly remember 2000 and everyone freaking out and buying supplies like the world was gonna end. And here we are 10 years! I have so many things I want to do, change, and accomplish this year that I am feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all. I think I may have put too much on my list, but I really want to become better at a lot of things and make the best of everyday. I think I have become to routine and not done things the way I should and need to for awhile now. I would like to blame that on Taegan-but she should only make me want to be better! So here is to 2010....I can't wait for new things to come. I started today and so far so good: ate breakfast(which I never do), purged the kitchen cabinets and my closet/drawers, played/read with Taegan, donated clothes to Goodwill, made and ate lunch at home!!!, worked out. and now I am gonna read while Taegan naps!!! Feeling real good about this. Oh yeah and the Bachelor starts tonight....EXCITED!

Happy Monday.

1 comment:

Jamie B said...

So glad for a fresh start for a new year!! :)

Also excited to find a fellow Bachelor Fan!! Estactic to watch a new season!! :)

Happy New Year Angie!

Going Strong...
