Tuesday morning he decided that he was done with us feeding him his baby food. I'm not sure if it is the baby food or us actually feeding him, but after trying all week I have decided it is the baby food! He will let me feed him regular table food that we are eating with a spoon or a fork, but after about 2 minutes of the baby food(which I am shoveling in at a rapid speed) he is DONE. Hitting the bowl and spoon and arching his back in his high chair-he is over it! So this has led us to remembering the first things we fed Taegan and start the self-feeding steps. I wasn't ready for this...he is too big already:( However, he is loving the new food. He ate an entire pancake this morning, cereal bar for lunch, slice of cheese, cheerios, some baby food and some fruit for dinner. This kid isn't looking back at baby food.
Around Monday or Tuesday he decided he was going to start pulling up on everything and anything. He has even mastered climbing the first stair(and then falling back off). He really thinks he is big stuff when he stands and just laughs and laughs while he stands holding onto things. He isn't steady enough to even think about cruising the furniture yet-but we aren't far off I'm afraid.
Friday he decided he was finally going to give in and figure out the sippy cup...and like it! Right now he is getting a splash of juice with water in it and today actually drank unassisted from it. Huge steps.
And finally tonight we graduated him from the bath chair to just sitting on the mat in the bathtub with Taegan...he was a bit unsure at first, but took to it right away!
1 comment:
oh trust me mum I am certainly checking her out!! Just needs to show me more of herpusy
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