*You are wearing 3-6 month clothes, some 3 month clothes, and 6 month jammies!
*You have about 15 size 1 diapers left and then we will move to size 2, and size 2 at night.
*You are still on the same eating and sleeping schedule...and LOVE it.
*You are eating 28 ounces everyday.
*We have started you on cereal every night before your 7:30 bottle.
*You are still sleeping 12 hours at night, some mornings you are waking up earlier but will wait until 8 to eat.
*You are still sleeping on your tummy, but today during nap you ROLLED OVER for the first time!!! And it made you MAD:(
*You are rolling from your tummy to your back-sometimes.
*We have given up on a pacifier because you have decided to use your fingers to soothe yourself to sleep. You use your 4 fingers to put you to sleep.
*You are getting so much better with your bath-thank goodness!
*Taegan has been reading books to you-and you will listen to her for as long as she will read.
*You have been bringing your hands together in the middle and you now will hold a toy when we give it to you.
*When holding a toy it goes straight to your mouth.
*Sophie the giraffe is your new favorite thing.
*Daddy thinks you are SUPER strong...we all agree.
*Still drooling tons and NO teeth.
*We tried Zantac for spitting up-it didn't help. Looks like you are just going to be a spitter???
*We have gotten a few giggles...but are patiently waiting for a belly laugh!
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