How far along: 20 weeks
Size of baby: Baby R is the size of a banana
Total weight gain: 8 pounds
Maternity clothes: Yes-they are much more comfortable. I can still wear a lot of my normal t-shirts! I also found a whole bag of maternity clothes in the crawl space last night and I was sooo excited. It was like Christmas all over again!
Gender: It's a boy-Mr. Laekan Harper
Movement: This boy is a mover and shaker. As soon as any caffeine hits my mouth he is all over the place. He likes to be active at night. I am still waiting to be able to share the movement with Justin and Taegan-it isn't quite hard enough yet.
Sleep: I am sleeping great!
What I miss: Don't miss anything. Although the other day I was super stressed and really could have used one drink....
Cravings: Not much this last two weeks.
Symptoms: My back is becoming a problem again...ugh!!! Other than that I have been feeling very well and staying healthy-knock on wood!!!
I have been super stressed this last week with lots of stuff to do around the house. I think I am already nesting and that is a bad sign-I still have half of this pregnancy to go. I did get a ton done on the list and hope to keep working on it. Just seems like as soon as I cross something off I add two more things!