Sunday, February 21, 2010

Lazy weekend...

It is snowing here again-I'm not sure if I have mentioned this before, but I am DONE with the snow. We have about 5-6 inches sitting outside right now and I want it to be 60 degrees and sunny. Taegan wakes up each morning, heads to the back sliding glass door and points to her play area outside! Poor thing just wants to get outside and run. It will be here soon, but days like this make me think I could go crazy before they get here.

Justin has been working all weekend so Taegan and I have been playing around the house. Today we colored, did stickers, playdoh, babies, and puzzles. Now she is down for a nap(not alseep yet) and I am going to go read my new book I started. I am reading So Long Insecurity by Beth Moore and it is great! I had read about the book on a few other blogs and it seemed like something I really needed to get my hands on and jump into. Wow-what an eye opener it is!!!

No pictures today because I have been lazy and haven't taken any lately, I will get better. I have also straightened up my scrapbook stuff and will be getting started on that soon too!!! I am super behind, like still working on the pregancy scrapbook and Taegan will be 2 in April-YIKES!

Have a good Sunday.

1 comment:

Jamie B said...

Glad to hear you are enjoying the book. My goal is to start it and read most over Spring Break. I am planning on going to a Beth Moore Simulcast at Northland Christian Church in April. It will be in connection with her book. Let me know if you want to go with. :) I think it is an all day thing. Will get more info if you are interested!

Going Strong...
