Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

I know this is a day late, but bear with me! We celebrated our special day last Tuesday because Taegan and I were heading out of town on Thursday and wouldn't see Justin again until Sunday-which would have been miserable to go out and fight the crowd. We went to dinner at On the Border, came home and baked cookies, and read books and played the rest of the night. What a special night it was for just the 3 of us!! Taegan is getting much more verbal and interactive so she really helped with the cookies and loves playing with us and having our undivided attention.

Getting ready to put the cookies out...
Loving on Daddy
Putting the cookies on the tray(yes they are the Nestle cookies!)
Enjoying them with Daddy.
Taegan and I headed out on Thursday with my Mom for Oklahoma City. They have a huge craft show there that we wanted to check out. What a blast we had-4 hours of talking on the way there and trying to entertain Taegan, but we made it! We shopped until we dropped and then shopped some more the next day. I love being with my mom and just being silly. We never got lost, and managed to find a lot of good stores! The first night when went to the mall behind our hotel and let Taegan play in their play she is-
This is the little boy she played with-he even pulled her in the boat by her bottom because she couldn't quite get and I couldn't stop laughing!
Getting a pink heart balloon from a clown-she LOVED watching him make it for her.
On the way home....tired girl!
Sunday was spent relaxing, doing lunch with Kat, Colleen, and Kenzie(cutie!), and more relaxing. We did go get Taegan a big girl potty seat for our toilet that she thinks is the greatest thing! I hope this will help spark some interest in going potty.
Opening her present from Grandma Becky and Grandpa Greg-she loved the M&Ms.
Check me out on my new potty!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

rather check out yourpussy I would love some full frontal nudepics

Going Strong...
