Monday, February 2, 2009

A small victory...

Okay, this morning while getting Taegan's breakfast ready I thought we might try the sippy cup again for the formula. Well, she took a little over 5 ounces out of it and she usually has 6 ounces in her bottle!!! That was HUGE for her. She did throw a bit of a fit and I took it away and when she wanted it back I gave it back. It was not an easy thing this morning-but I really think we may be getting somewhere. I know it might seem early to get her off the bottle, but I think she is ready and we are going to try it full force. So all she will be offered during the day is her sippy cup with formula and then she can have the bottle at night before bed(I am not ready to take that one away from her). We also thought that if she doesn't finish it because she is being stubborn she would just wait until she ate again!!! How mean am I???

Pray we have a good day drinking from the sippy cup!


My Three Sons said...

That is great about the sippy cup. I actually waited until Carson was a year old before I took his bottle away. But he replaced his sippy cups like it wasn't that big of a deal so I then wondered why I waited so long. LOL

Hope you all had a great weekend.

Rachel Dominguez said...

My goodness make me look bad. I think Melana is going to go to kindergarten with a bottle. She is 18mo old and is still drinking it. She is my last baby and I just dont have the heart to take it away and that is her safety net. She also refuses to take the sippy cup at all if she is tired and most any other time she will only take one or two sips from one and then throw it down.

Wonder how I will ever break the bottle from her.

Going Strong...
