Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The journey to being a big boy begins...

Justin and I know we want Laekan off the bottle by the time he is one and we also knew that we would need to start soon transitioning him to a sippy cup so he could get the hang of it. We have been offering the sippy cup for months now and he will play with it, but shows no other interest in actually doing anything with it! I had looked back at Taegan's calendar and went back to read blog posts from then and we decided to start when he turned 11 months-which is today!(11 month post coming later tonight). I had thought about taking away the bottle for one meal a day and slowly replacing the bottle with the cup. After reading back over things and thinking them through again we decided to go cold turkey.

We are taking away all day bottles and using the sippy cup, but we will give him his bottle after his bath. I'm just not sure he is totally ready to be done with the bed time bottle. We are going straight to whole milk with all of it. I wasn't sure that I wanted to do milk in the bottle-but I don't want to go back and forth between formula and milk. So all milk it is! I remember with Taegan it took her a few days to get the hang of and taste of the milk-we even ended up adding strawberry flavoring to it. We are prepared for a battle and will stay strong, even though it will be super hard.

This morning when he woke up we came down to the kitchen, got seated in the high chair like normal and I handed him the cup...
This is right after he threw it.
This is what he did when I tried again...
And this is him shoving it away.

This is what I expected. He ate breakfast like a champ, ended up taking three drinks from the cup and then was down to play. He would come back to the cup as he was playing, take a small sip and go back to playing. He is making a horrible face when he tries it. I gave him another sippy cup of half water and half juice. He ended up taking a few drinks of that as well. Napped great this morning and then was up to play before lunch.

Lunch-NIGHTMARE! He wouldn't eat or drink. Cried and threw a major fit. I tried 3 different cups and he threw them all. I took him out of his chair, let him play and he kept crying. At one point he just grabbed his blankie and laid down. I got my lunch and he took interest in my cup. It had a straw and he hadn't mastered a straw yet...until today!!! He chugged my water, ate my milk granola bar with me, and then ate half my turkey from my sandwich. I found a cup with a straw for him, poured his milk in and he took 4 big gulps. We are making progress. Fingers crossed nap goes like normal.

To be continued:)

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