Wednesday, April 11, 2012

11 months...

Laekan Harper- Can you believe that you are one short month away from being one?! Slow down time because I need this month to last twice as long. You battled an ear infection and fever virus for a week this past week and boy are we glad you are back to normal. You love to laugh and continue to show us how fast you are growing up! We love you to the moon and back and I am trying to wrap my mind around that fact that the next time I write one of these you will be ONE! Here is what you are up to right now:

*You are wearing size 3 diapers for day and night.
*You are wearing 12 month clothes across the board. 18 month is too big.
*Same sleeping schedule and napping schedule
*Today we took away your bottle and replaced it with a sippy and are rocking it
*You are eating all table food and feeding yourself completely.
*We are still working on the sign "more" and have introduced "all done".
*You will say ma-ma, da-da, and you will yell mo when you want more food!
*You are pullling up like a mad man and would rather we standing then crawling.
*No steps yet, not even cruising. I am sure it will be soon.
*You have two more teeth on the top. You now have 7!!!
*You figured out the straw today and actually drank quite a bit of milk out of that cup.
*You are starting to interact with Taegan and love laughing at her.
*You will stiffen your back, grunt and squeal real loud, hold your breath, and then laugh.
*We absolutely LOVE your personality and you even have a way of "talking back" to us when we tell you no.

Big boy-he did great at this picture session. It was just him and I .

Such a cute, sneaky little smile!

Love this little man.

And just like that he was done...but he is still a cutie.

Laekan we love you SO much!!! We can't wait to celebrate your first birthday with you soon.

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