*You are wearing 9 month-12 month clothes, 12 month jammies
*You weigh 22 lbs, 1 oz and 30 inches long
*You are wearing size 3 diapers during the day and size 3 at night
*Same eating and sleeping schedule
*You continue to eat oatmeal with a fruit for breakfast and a veggie at dinner. Still no food at lunch, but we will start that up again soon.
*We have moved you from eating your bottle in your rock n play to eating at your high chair. That is going well and you are starting to eat much better there. Still takes you about 20-30 minutes to drink your bottle.
*You are still rocking the morning and afternoon naps-Mommy loves that!
*You are eating puffs much better-doing great with the pincer grasp.
*You have also had pasta, bread, mac and cheese, small bite of ice cream
*I have tried some 3rd foods with you and you actually gagged so much that you threw it up. You just don't expect the chunk of food in there. You do much better with chunks of table food.
*You decided 4 days before turning 9 months that you would crawl!!! Taegan and I were in your room with you when all of a sudden you crawled over to her. Taegan got so excited she saw you do it first!
*Now you are everywhere-the gate is back up at the stairs!
*You are no longer saying mama, but you will say dada-not knowing what it means. You are making lots of noises and will do anything to get our attention.
*We have started teaching you the sign for "more" and are hoping you catch on soon!
*Taegan is loving that you are moving and playing with more toys-although she is having a tough tough time leaving your toys alone and actually letting you play.
*You are still SO happy...
We love you so much Laekan!!!!
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