Well, we are about 2 days away from our formula being gone and that means we switch over to milk and a sippy cup! Wow-I am nervous and at this point unsure of how we are going to approach this really. She is 11 months old so I know that she is old enough(even though you are told to wait until they are 1), it is just going to be the transition that is the hardest I think. We will start Friday morning and she will be with my mom all day and then we will have all weekend together to work on it. She takes the bottle three times a day and once after her bath before bed. I am more worried about the one before bed then anything else. I am wondering how this will change her sleeping patterns and what she will do! Some have said that we should keep the bed bottle and take it away later...I am not sure how I feel on this situation. I was really hoping I could just transition completely and have her associate the milk with the new cup. I will still give her milk after her bath, but she won't be drinking 8 ounces like she is now after her bath. I really feel that this time we are going to be strong and not give in like we have before, but I really need to come up with a full game plan before I start this! I thought about maybe tonight trying to give her less in her bottle and see how that changes her sleep. Really at a loss and not sure what to do....HELP!!!
Just be strong!! You know what's right. And the little stinker will try her darndest to make you cave, but you just have to do it. She will figure it out. You may loose a little sleep in the meantime, but just hang in there. All my kids were on whole milk before 1 year with the exception of Madison, she was allergic and needed the soy formula. I am hoping they will let me switch Xavier after his 9 month checkup. Teagan will figure it out after a few days that you are not giving her a bottle and that if she wants a drink she will have to take it from a cup. Just stick to your guns, that is the most important. Otherwise she will learn that when she wants something if she is stubborn enough, she will get it. Hang in there and be strong. I am praying for an easy transition.
Oh, and they say put them to bed and let them cry. But 20 mins is the breaking point. You are not supposed to intervein with them until the 20 mins is up. And then you would offer her a sippy cup with milk and she will either take it or not. Then you put her back to bed and give it another 20 minutes. Give it a try and see what happens. You might just be surprised!
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